September 20, 2011

The Sword in the Stone by T.H. White

Wart, who we all know as Kin Arthur, is just a raggedy little kid who is constantly overshadowed by his older, more handsome, stronger, and more liked brother, Kay. But when wart meets Merlyn, that's all changed. Merlyn teaches him things no one else could teach him. He turns him in to animals, insects, and inanimate objects for gods sake!

But Wart is constantly making the same mistake. He underestimates people, animals, and their abilities. Which gets him into a lot of trouble.

The main problem that I had with this book, was the repetition. Although he learns something new every time he in transformed, he never uses it. Which is a BIG pet peev of mine...

If you want an easy, summertime novel, don't read this. But if you want an intelligent, thought-provoking book, this is for you.

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