July 9, 2010

The City of Glass by Cassandra Clare

“The Mortal Instruments series is a story world that I love to live in.  I hate to see the story end, but if it has to end, then City of Glass is the most perfect way for that to happen.  Beautiful!”
— Stephenie Meyer, author of Twilight

"This book has terror, unexpected twists, sorrow—it is tragedy edged by lightning, driven by power and love. Clare keeps getting better!"
– Tamora Pierce, bestselling author of The Will of the Empress

I had begun reading this laying down and drinking the words in steadily but before I knew it I was sitting on the edge of the sofa and forcing to keep up my eyes focused enough not to move too far ahead. I promised myself I wasn't going to write a spoiler review though I really wanted to. Without giving spoilers I can't stress how much a certain line did this or what took me by surprise but y'all are just going to have to read it to feel and see what I felt.

EVERYTHING is finally explained. Thank goodness! It was fun to guess along the way to see if you were right. Sometimes I was off and not entirely sure but part of the excitement is having the dawning realization of "Oh yeah!!! I can see that now!" Definitely is the best of the series and not only because of the plot and resolution, but because of the development of the characters...

This book is charged with all the elements we are used to but make them ten fold because this is the end. Emotions, battles, loss, betrayal, surprises, and even the jokes carry that much more meaning to them. Out of all the books this one would have to be the most serious. I know that there was always the element of sudden danger, but this one is more so and we don't get to see as many sarcastic comments (which is understandable) but there are still there to ease the tension.

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