October 29, 2011

The Reluctant Heiress by Eva Ibbotson

At the time that I saw this on the shelves of my second-hand book store, I had only read one of Eva Ibbotson's books; A Countess Below Stairs. I thought to myself, if this is anything like the other one, I'm going to adore it. but it took me three months to find the time to read it. And, I was not disappointed.

Ibbotson truly knows the landscape and history of Vienna in the early twentieth century. With grace and poise, she sets out a plot thick with romance, social standing, and music. But what surprised me the most was her ability to create a delicate history for a family that it seems like they really existed.

He has wealth, she has titles. Tessa and Guy are a match made in heaven. Literally, they were born under the same astrological sign.

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